The Iwund Group is a family comprising of four companies sharing a common origin, philosophy, vision and drive. In all the areas of business interest namely: property/real estate, marketing of building components/materials, food/cash crops production and education, we are motivated and poised to accomplishing innovative impact that is helping to oil the wheel of our national development.
In our genuine quest to effect our singular objective of giving the challenged economy of Nigeria and in extension sub-sahara Africa the right kick it deserves, we are diligently adjusting to the present day reality of globalization. Our doors and hands are wide open to welcome and embrace like-minds from around the world for the necessary synergy to expand our scope in exploring the limitless possibilities herein.
While we are greatly inspired, determined and bountifully equipped with diverse naturally endowed resources,there abounds a prevailing vacuum created by paucity of investment funds and perennial challenge of technical know-how. All the same, we are geared tenaciously to harnessing the vast potential opportunities inherent in various sectors of the robust Nigerian market. We resolutely stepped in headlong to take the bull by the horn.
In the real estate/housing development sector, we have carved a niche for ourselves in providing homes of minimum cost with maximum comfort for the people in the low/ medium income bracket. And affordable luxury homes for the upper class of the society. All things being equal, there is prospect and plan of venturing into development of Mass Housing Projects that will help to cushion the adverse effect of the current staggering seventeen million housing deficit situation nationwide.
In the building materials sub-sector, we have come a long way in sourcing and marketing high quality stuff that have helped to enhance the standard of construction in the building industry. Our deliberate decision to deal on internationally certified first choice building components distinguished us in the ill-regulated market situation.
Our strategic approach in the Agro-business sector is simply revolutionary. We went out of our way to initiate a giant leap to jumpstart a hi-tech farming regime synergizing with the Israeli experts. Sooner than later, we shall locally champion a massive shift to advanced innovations in all facets of food and cash crops production and processing. Before us is a begging limitless opportunity of enhancing the value chain and of course break into the vast export market.
In a bid to concretize our strong conviction in joining forces with other well-meaning compatriots to give this country a well-deserved face-lift and inject the necessary new blood that will inspire nationalism, we took a bold step to diversifying into education. The student body of our schools/institutions will be a diverse mix of students/staff from across Nigeria. The core training intent is to focus on moral leadership, ethics, integrity and nationalism, and thereby plug the prevalent hole negating our quest for true nationhood. Alumni will have a strong connection to both the school/almamater and the country, and will naturally play active leadership roles in the all-round development of Nigeria.
The soul or the nucleus of our drive is total emancipation of Africa from abject poverty and depravity thereby contributing to making the entire globe a better place for all. We contribute our little quota through: Emma & Grace Education Foundation…Read More! .
The sum total of our earnest dream as a corporate family is to take a befitting pride of place in the Nigerian version of industrial revolution cum achievement of true nation state that is quite in the offing.